Present V. Past



“I made a promise to your stepfather I would not have you around this shit. He told me to keep you out of this world. I feel like I’m letting him down.”  A guilty Sosa confessed. 


“You’re supposed to be my woman, I am supposed to protect you and keep you away from this part of my work, this part of me.”


Lola just listened and looked out the window. There was no fear, worry or consolation for Sosa’s confessions. Lola just stared blankly out of the car window, consumed in her own thoughts. Life was taking her down a familiar route, just a different city this time. 


Finally making it to their destination, Lola hopped out the blacked-out suburban after taking a deep breathe. She was about to meet her new team. Lola walked into a rundown looking house that sat two young steppers on the porch. Looking each of them dead in the eye, she gave a warm smile and then a seductive wink. Beauty was always Lola’s’ weapon of choice. Beauty easily disarmed the toughest of men. How tough can one be while blushing?


What was rundown on the outside was exquisite in the inside. All that could be heard was Lola’s Manolo Blanik’s clicking the grey marble floors. Walking towards the light chatter in the back, all Lola could think of was “How did I let him pull me back into the dope game?” shaking her head to herself. There was no shame, just disappointment and duty. 


“Juan, I would like you to meet Lola, she will be stepping in my shoes while I am away. I wanted to formally make introductions, and thank you for coming all this way.” Humbly Sosa said.


 Juan took in Lola’s beauty. He noticed the air of regality that oozed out of her, yet there was a hidden grit. The grit that only those from the slums could actual see. No matter how poised, and gracefully Lola posed, the hood grit would always  seep out in some way. 


Extending her hand, pleasantries were exchanged between the two. 


“Once a month, 50 keys mami. Once a month payment. Payment will be due on the 15th of every month. Just think like , uhhh, Bills” Juan said matter-of-factly 


Lola glance at Sosa, then over too Juan. 


Coolly she said. “First, No mamies! This is business, not my bedroom. Ma’am will do. Sir. Secondly, no names are to be said. EVER. Ma’am and Sir will do. Thirdly, COD only. I don’t consign, and I don’t owe. Ever. I find being a woman in this game men only honor strength. If you are not stronger than them they wont honor you. I do not need honor. I need CASH.”


Slightly taken a back, Juan looked over to Sosa. Realizing how he just got checked in the matter of how to handle Lola, Juan said to Sosa “I like her!”


The ice had been broken. 


“Manny, get the car. It is time for Lola to meet her Lieutenants.” 




Drinking Sauvignon Blanc Lola sat at the bar thinking how crazy her life has been. Waiting on her date, Lola thought about how easy her life used be and how complicated it has grown. From meeting the connect to becoming the connect has been a turbulent accidental journey for her. 




Hearing the greeting Lola knew instantly who was shrieking in the swanky hotel bar. Juan walked over to where Lola was sitting drenched in Tom Ford and dripping in Thom Browne. The silver in his beard was the only telling sign of an aging Juan. Taking him completely in, Juan’s perfectly tan brown skin and green eyes, Lola smiled and the old friends embraced. 


Where is Manny? Lola wondered while looking around.


“Manny is back at home, caring for the old man” Juan noticed Lola’s curiosity.


“How is he? The Old Man and Manny.” Lola questioned.


“Both are good. Now, Business. Sosa is looking for you. He is home and looking to be connected. He is not to happy he has to go through the proper channels. He doesn’t understand so much has changed since he left. You are over the States. He has to go through you.” Juan stated


“Another Sauvignon please.” Lola instructed the bartender before speaking.


“When he left, he left me in position for the South. I am over the States, as you stated. Sounds like he needs to talk to those fine gentlemen down there. I do not micromanage.” 


Lola waved for the check. Unphased by the whole conversation Lola collected herself. She felt as though her time was being wasted by the nature of the conversation. Yes, Sosa brought her back in the game, but her own merit, charisma and charm kept her there. Lola developed and nurtured so many relationships in the 10 years he was gone, there was no way Lola would just hand over her seat. It was rightfully her seat; the men behind her loved her blindly. She was their Cleopatra, their Queen. There was no room for a King.


“If Sosa reaches back out, tell him there is enough money in his account to take care of himself and his WIFE for the rest of their days. Now, if you will excuse me, I have important matters to tend too. I will be at the club tonight. If you want to stop by. All-Star weekend has arrived and I need to make sure my ladies get into those spoiled little men pockets, before they head back to their respective families.” Lola said with a chuckle. 


Juan let out a small chuckle. Juan was stuck in-between two former lovers, former business partners, and former friends. As loyal as Juan was to Sosa, we was equally loyal to Lola. Lola unknowingly prove herself to Juan and the Family many times. Her femineity was her finesse. Because she was woman she could read through the bullshit quickly. Her intuition was god given which led to the very prosperous era they were in. Lola could not be replace, and everyone knew that.




Lola and Faheed